Coconut Palm Sugar's Advantages over Regular Sugar
Coconut sugar or palm sugar as it is sometimes called, is a natural sugar made from the sugary circulating fluid of the coconut plant called sap. The sap of the coconut plant contain lots of healthy nutrients and minerals such as iron, Zinc, Calcium Potassium and B vitamins, along with some short chain fatty acids, polyphenols and antioxidants that also provide health benefits. Coconut sugar contains the fiber inulin which is known to slow glucose absorption resulting in a low glycemic sugar. Coconut plant is abundant in Philippines and Indonesia making those two countries the leaders in coconut sap distribution. Coconut sugar replaces white sugar in 1:1 ratio. Its subtle but tasty caramel like flavor is what makes it unique from other sweeteners, it is similar to brown sugar and cane sugar but superior in quality and taste.
10 Reasons To Replace White Sugar With Coconut Palm Sugar
- Low glycemic index
- 1:1 sugar ratio
- Certified organic
- Unrefined and unbleached
- High in nutrients
- Helps weight loss
- Curbs appetite
- Non GMO Gluten free
- Does not spike blood sugar levels

Coconut palm sugar For Baking
Chefs best kept secret exposed--Coconut Palm Sugar.
Coconut sugar has been used as a traditional sweetener and flavor enhancer for thousands of years in the South and South-East Asian regions. It tastes nothing like coconut since it comes from the sap of the coconut palm, and not the coconut itself. Its taste is comparable to brown sugar with a slight savory caramel taste to it. Coconut sugar is easy to use and can be substituted for white or brown sugar in a recipe on a 1:1 basis. For centuries it has been and still is a key ingredient in ritzy elegant diners and restaurants. Now you too can enjoy the rich taste and health benefits of Coconut sugar in your baked goods.
Low Glycemic Index
Move over sugar: There’s a new natural sweetener that’s better for your health. Coconut Sugar is a low-glycemic sweetener that has been shown to support healthy blood sugar balance and prevent blood sugar from spiking. Unlike refined white sugars, unrefined Coconut sugar contains the fiber inulin which is known to slow glucose absorption resulting in a low glycemic index and maintaining essential nutrients like magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and zinc making it a smarter and healthier alternative for those following a restricted diet.

Coconut Sugar for Disease Prevention
Several studies have proven that following a low glycemic diet resulted in a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, age-related macular degeneration and many more diseases. High glycemic diet ‘spikes’ following a meal sets up a vicious cycle in the body by promoting these diseases by as much as 42 percent, Were a low glycemic diet would eliminate these diseases by 20 percent. Morning Pep low glycemic coconut sugar is a super sugar alternative providing the same sweetness without the harmful results.
The Morning Pep Coconut Sugar Difference
At Morning Pep we are proud to bring you unrefined and unbleached coconut sugar made from 100% organic palm. Unlike nutrients that are lost in the refinement of white sugar, Morning Pep coconut sugar provides a rich source of potassium, calcium, zinc, iron and B vitamins, contributing to a healthy balanced diet. Our low glycemic coconut sugar replaces white sugar at a 1:1 ratio. Morning Pep coconut sugar is delicious in all cooking and baking and adds rich flavor to coffee, tea and smoothies. Being free of GMO, gluten and artificial additives, and being packaged in the USA is what makes Morning Pep of higher quality and the number one.